When calmness and structure count in an emergency.
In an emergency, alerting people safely, quickly and automatically to protect lives. This is the core task of a voice alarm system.
However, the planning and installation of such an electroacoustic emergency system is complex. International standards apply not only to the installation, but also to the products to be used. In addition to uninterrupted availability in the event of a loss of power to the system, attention must also be paid to prioritizing the voice alarm system over third-party systems. The intelligibility of an (emergency) announcement in a public area can be of decisive importance for those present. With an objective measurement method (speech transmission index), good intelligibility is ensured and proven on the basis of reproducible results.
With our experience from various projects, we are able to develop a custom-fit solution for your requirements. Our specialists will gladly take over the planning and installation of your voice alarm system.
You are in the middle of planning a system, but do not know whether all applicable standards and regulations are met?
We are happy to help you. Simply arrange a non-binding consultation appointment.